Cleco's business is subject to extensive federal, state, and local energy, environmental, and other laws and regulations. The LPSC regulates Cleco Power's retail operations and FERC regulates Cleco's wholesale operations. The construction, planning, and siting of Cleco Power's power plants and transmission lines are also subject to the jurisdiction of the LPSC and FERC. Additional regulatory authorities have jurisdiction over some of Cleco's operations and construction projects including the EPA, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the U.S. Department of Transportation, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, the Federal Communications Commission, the LDEQ, the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, the Louisiana Department of Public Safety, the Louisiana Department of Agriculture, the Louisiana Bureau of Economic Analysis, regional water quality boards, and various local regulatory districts.
Should Cleco be unsuccessful in obtaining necessary licenses or permits or should these regulatory authorities initiate any investigations or enforcement actions or impose penalties or disallowances on Cleco, Cleco's business could be adversely affected. Existing regulations may be revised or reinterpreted and new laws and regulations may be adopted or become applicable to Cleco or Cleco's facilities in a manner that may have a material adverse effect on the Registrants' business or result in significant additional costs.
As a result of the 2016 Merger, Cleco Holdings and Cleco Power made the 2016 Merger Commitments to the LPSC including, but not limited to, the extension of Cleco Power's current FRP for an additional two years, maintaining employee headcount, salaries, and benefits for ten years, and a limitation from incurring additional long-term debt, excluding non-recourse debt, unless certain financial ratios are achieved. Additionally, upon approval of the Cleco Cajun Transaction, Cleco made commitments to the LPSC including, but not limited to, holding Cleco Power retail customers harmless for any adverse impacts, increased costs of debt or equity, and credit rating downgrades attributable to the Cleco Cajun Transaction; the repayment of $400.0 million of Cleco Holdings' debt by 2024; and a $4.0 million annual reduction to Cleco Power's retail customer rates.
In April 2016, the LPSC issued Docket No. R-34026 to investigate the double leveraging issues for all LPSC-jurisdictional utilities whereby double leveraging is utilized to fund a utility's capital structure, and to consider whether any costs associated with such double leveraging should be included in the rates paid by the utility's retail ratepayers. Cleco Power has intervened in this proceeding, along with other Louisiana utilities. In April 2016, the LPSC also issued Docket No. R-34029 to investigate the tax structure issues for all LPSC-jurisdictional utilities to consider whether only the state and federal taxes included in a utility's retail rate will be those that do not exceed the utility's share of the actual taxes paid to those federal and state taxing authorities. Cleco Power filed a motion to intervene in this proceeding along with other Louisiana utilities. If the LPSC were to disallow such costs incurred by the utility to be included in retail rates, such disallowance could have a material adverse effect on the results of operations, financial condition, or cash flows of the Registrants.