As of December 31, 2023, the Company had on a consolidated basis, total assets of $10.6 billion. Accordingly, we are subject to certain regulations that apply only to depository institution holding companies or depository institutions with total consolidated assets of $10 billion or more, and the regulatory costs resulting from the Company having total consolidated assets of $10 billion or more may negatively impact the Company's revenue and earnings.
Debit card interchange fee restrictions set forth in Section 1075 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which is known as the Durbin Amendment, as implemented by regulations of the Federal Reserve, cap the maximum debit interchange fee that a debit card issuer may receive per transaction at the sum of $0.21 plus five basis points. A debit card issuer that adopts certain fraud prevention procedures may charge an additional $0.01 per transaction. Debit card issuers with total consolidated assets of less than $10 billion are exempt from these interchange fee restrictions. The exemption for small issuers ceases to apply as of July 1st of the year following the calendar year in which the debit card issuer has total consolidated assets of $10 billion or more at calendar year-end. As a result, we became subject to the interchange restrictions of the Durbin Amendment beginning July 1, 2023.
In addition, an insured depository institution with total assets of $10 billion or more is subject to supervision, examination, and enforcement with respect to consumer protection laws by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, or the CFPB. Under its current policies, the CFPB will assert jurisdiction in the first quarter after the call reports of a depository institution show total consolidated assets of $10 billion or more for four consecutive quarters. As a result, if our total consolidated assets continued to exceed $10 billion through the quarter ending September 30, 2024, we will become subject to CFPB supervision, examination and enforcement at the beginning of the quarter ending December 31, 2024.
There are other regulatory requirements that apply to insured depository institution holding companies and insured depository institutions with total consolidated assets of $10 billion or more. These include, but are not limited to, (i) the establishment by publicly traded depository institution holding companies with $10 billion or more in assets of a risk committee responsible for oversight of enterprise-wide risk management practices that are commensurate with the entity's structure, risk profile, complexity, activities and size and (ii) an institution with total consolidated assets of $10 billion or more no longer being entitled to benefit from the FDIC's offset of the effect of the increase in the statutory minimum Deposit Insurance Fund reserve ratio to 1.35% from the former statutory minimum of 1.15% that is required for institutions with assets of less than $10 billion by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
In addition, Congress and/or regulatory agencies may impose new requirements or surcharges on these institutions in the future. The Economic Growth, Regulatory Reform, and Consumer Protection Act, which was enacted on May 24, 2018, includes provisions that, as they are implemented, relieve banking organizations with total consolidated assets of less than $10 billion (and that satisfy certain other conditions) from risk-based capital requirements, restrictions on proprietary trading and investment and sponsorship in hedge funds and private equity funds known as the Volcker Rule, and certain other regulatory requirements. Because our total consolidated assets are now in excess of $10 billion, we no longer qualify for any of the foregoing relief.
The increased regulatory costs resulting from the Company having total consolidated assets of $10 billion or more may negatively impact the Company's revenue and earnings.