Chanson International Holding Class A (CHSN)
US Market

Chanson International Holding Class A (CHSN) Price & Analysis


CHSN Stock Chart & Stats




Risk Analysis

Main Risk Category
Finance & CorporateFinancial and accounting risks. Risks related to the execution of corporate activity and strategy

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What was Chanson International Holding Class A’s price range in the past 12 months?
Chanson International Holding Class A lowest stock price was $0.18 and its highest was $15.55 in the past 12 months.
    What is Chanson International Holding Class A’s market cap?
    Chanson International Holding Class A’s market cap is $4.94M.
      When is Chanson International Holding Class A’s upcoming earnings report date?
      Chanson International Holding Class A’s upcoming earnings report date is May 06, 2025 which is in 42 days.
        How were Chanson International Holding Class A’s earnings last quarter?
        Chanson International Holding Class A released its earnings results on Sep 27, 2024. The company reported $0 earnings per share for the quarter, the consensus estimate of N/A by $0.
          Is Chanson International Holding Class A overvalued?
          According to Wall Street analysts Chanson International Holding Class A’s price is currently Overvalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
            Does Chanson International Holding Class A pay dividends?
            Chanson International Holding Class A does not currently pay dividends.
            What is Chanson International Holding Class A’s EPS estimate?
            Chanson International Holding Class A’s EPS estimate for its next earnings report is not yet available.
            How many shares outstanding does Chanson International Holding Class A have?
            Chanson International Holding Class A has 15,735,570 shares outstanding.
              What happened to Chanson International Holding Class A’s price movement after its last earnings report?
              Chanson International Holding Class A reported an EPS of $0 in its last earnings report, expectations of N/A. Following the earnings report the stock price went down -2.807%.
                Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Chanson International Holding Class A?
                Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in CHSN

                Chanson International Holding Class A Stock Smart Score


                Company Description

                Chanson International Holding Class A

                Chanson International Holding manufactures and sells a range of bakery products, seasonal products, and beverage products for individual and corporate customers. It offers packaged bakery products, such as cakes, bread, sweets, and snacks; birthday cakes; made-in-store pastries; mooncakes and zongzi products; and other products, including sandwiches, salads, toasts, croissants, soups, and desserts, as well as beverages and juice products. The company sells its products through a chain of bakeries, as well as digital platforms and third-party online food ordering platforms. It also offers eat-in services in its stores. The company sells its bakery and other products under the George Chanson, Patisserie Chanson, and Chanson brand names. It operates in Xinjiang in the People's Republic of China; and New York City, the United States. The company was formerly known as formerly known as RON Holding Limited and changed its name to Chanson International Holding in December 2020. The company was incorporated in 2019 and is headquartered in Urumqi, China. Chanson International Holding operates as a subsidiary of Danton Global Limited.
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