CCEP’s business model depends on making our products and packages available in multiple channels and locations. Laws that restrict our ability to do this could negatively impact our financial results. These include laws affecting the promotion and distribution of our products, laws that require deposit return schemes (DRS) to be introduced for certain types of packages, or laws that limit our ability to design new packages or market certain packages. The packaging and climate change and water risk factors discuss global issues such as climate change, resource scarcity, marine litter and water scarcity further. In addition, taxes or other charges imposed on the sale of our products could increase costs or cause consumers to purchase fewer of them. Many countries in Europe, including countries in which CCEP operates, are looking to implement or increase such taxes. These may relate, for example, to the use of non-recycled plastic in beverage packaging, or the use of sugar or other sweeteners in our beverages (see also the risk factors regarding packaging and perceived health impact of our beverages and ingredients, and changing consumer buying trends). On a European level the regulation adopted in December 2020 laying down the EU’s multi annual financial framework for 2021-2027 includes an “own resource”, applicable as from 1 January 2021, which consists of the application of a uniform call rate to the weight of plastic packaging waste generated in each member state that is not recycled. The uniform call rate will be €0.80 per kilogram. Every EU member state decides how to collect the money needed to fulfil its contribution. However, we expect some member states to install some sort of recoupment mechanism (a tax) at national level to retrieve the outlays made to the EU. Spain has already proposed a unique plastic tax to be implemented in 2021, and GB is expected to introduce a plastic tax independent of the European levy by April 2022. EU member states are in the process of adopting implementing regulations to comply with the obligations of the Single Use Plastics Directive. The obligations include a 90% collection target for plastic bottles by 2029, a requirement that plastic bottles contain at least 30% recycled content by 2030 and a requirement for plastic beverage bottles to include tethered closures by 2024. The deadline for transposing the Single Use Plastics Directive into national law was 3 July 2021. Some member states go further than the minimum requirements of the Directive and have adopted stricter regulations. For example, circular economy legislation has been introduced in France, which requires a 50% reduction in the number of single use plastic bottles by 2030 and the phasing out of single use plastic packaging entirely by 2040. In addition to legislative initiatives at EU level, several countries in which we operate also have or are planning other legislative or regulatory measures to reduce the use of single use plastics, including plastic beverage bottles, and/or to increase plastic collection and recycling. Such measures may include implementing a DRS under which a deposit fee is added to the consumer price, which is refunded to them if and when the bottle is returned. Other measures may include rules on recycled content, individual collection or recycling targets, or a ”plastic tax”. In GB, as part of our producer responsibility obligations, we are required to purchase Packaging Recovery Notes (PRN) to show that we meet our responsibilities for recycling and recovery of packaging waste. While we have processes in place to manage our PRN exposure, we are subject to price volatility in PRN, which could increase costs for our business in the future. DRS for plastic beverage bottles currently exist in some of the countries in which we do business, such as in Norway (which is part of the European Economic Area (EEA) but is not an EU member state), the Netherlands (which has recently extended its DRS to cover all PET bottles from July 2021), Germany and Sweden. Other countries have recently adopted regulations for DRS for beverage packaging (such as Scotland where DRS will start in July 2022 that includes PET plastic, cans and glass) or have adopted legislation paving the way for DRS (such as Portugal, England and Wales, and recently Belgium). In addition to the regulations on packaging, plastic and waste in general, concern over climate change has led to more environmental legislative and regulatory initiatives at an EU and national level. These include areas such as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water use and energy efficiency. At the EU level, as part of the EU Green Deal, the proposed European Climate law provides for a significant increase in the EU GHG emissions reduction target for 2030, in line with the EU’s goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050. Also, at a national level, we have seen a number of countries in which we operate introduce, or start the process of introducing, legislation and regulation.