Record High Consolidated Revenue and Core Operating Profit
Mercari marked record high consolidated revenue of JPY 187.4 billion and core operating profit of JPY 18.8 billion, showing a 9% and 30% year-on-year increase respectively.
Significant Growth in Fintech Business
The Fintech business achieved a 40% year-on-year revenue growth, reaching JPY 43.7 billion. The credit business, a key profit center, grew by 60% year-on-year.
Successful Launch of New Services
Mercard, launched at the end of 2022, issued more than 3.4 million cards. Mercari Hallo, launched in March, gained 5 million registered users in nearly 3 months.
Growth in Cross-Border Transactions and B2C
GMV from cross-border transactions grew 3.5x year-on-year, and B2C GMV grew 2.7x, indicating strong growth in these segments.
Improvement in U.S. Business Operating Loss
The core operating loss of the U.S. business significantly decreased due to reexamining fixed costs, including marketing and payroll expenses.