Mobeus Income & Growth VCT PLC (GB:MIX)
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Mobeus Income & Growth VCT (MIX) Share Price & Analysis


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Options Prices

Currently, No data available

Ownership Overview

― Other Institutional Investors
99.92% Public Companies and
Individual Investors


What was Mobeus Income & Growth VCT PLC’s price range in the past 12 months?
Mobeus Income & Growth VCT PLC lowest share price was 50.50p and its highest was 57.50p in the past 12 months.
    What is Mobeus Income & Growth VCT PLC’s market cap?
    Currently, no data Available
    When is Mobeus Income & Growth VCT PLC’s upcoming earnings report date?
    The company’s upcoming earnings report date is not yet available.
    How were Mobeus Income & Growth VCT PLC’s earnings last quarter?
    Currently, no data Available
    Is Mobeus Income & Growth VCT PLC overvalued?
    According to Wall Street analysts Mobeus Income & Growth VCT PLC’s price is currently Overvalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
      Does Mobeus Income & Growth VCT PLC pay dividends?
      Mobeus Income & Growth VCT PLC pays a Notavailable dividend of 3.999p which represents an annual dividend yield of 15.89%. See more information on Mobeus Income & Growth VCT PLC dividends here
        What is Mobeus Income & Growth VCT PLC’s EPS estimate?
        Mobeus Income & Growth VCT PLC’s EPS estimate for its next earnings report is not yet available.
        How many shares outstanding does Mobeus Income & Growth VCT PLC have?
        Mobeus Income & Growth VCT PLC has 341,353,550 shares outstanding.
          What happened to Mobeus Income & Growth VCT PLC’s price movement after its last earnings report?
          Currently, no data Available
          Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Mobeus Income & Growth VCT PLC?
          Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in GB:MIX

          Company Description

          Mobeus Income & Growth VCT PLC

          Mobeus Income & Growth VCT PLC is a UK based Venture Capital Trust company. The Investment objective of the company is to provide investors with a regular income stream, by way of tax-free dividends generated from income and capital returns. The company invests primarily in a portfolio of the United Kingdom unquoted companies. The fund structures its investments as part equity and part loan to receive regular income, to generate capital gain upon sale and to reduce the risk of high exposure to equities. The company invests in a portfolio of sectors, including support services, Leisure goods, general retailers, media, software and computer services, personal goods, healthcare equipment and services, and construction and building materials.
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