Limoneira Co (GB:0JV0)
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Limoneira Co (0JV0) Share Price & Analysis




Options Prices

Currently, No data available

Ownership Overview

33.24% Other Institutional Investors
35.50% Public Companies and
Individual Investors


What was Limoneira Co’s price range in the past 12 months?
Currently, no data Available
What is Limoneira Co’s market cap?
Currently, no data Available
When is Limoneira Co’s upcoming earnings report date?
Limoneira Co’s upcoming earnings report date is Dec 23, 2024 which is tomorrow.
    How were Limoneira Co’s earnings last quarter?
    Limoneira Co released its earnings results on Sep 09, 2024. The company reported €0.4 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of €0.319 by €0.081.
      Is Limoneira Co overvalued?
      According to Wall Street analysts Limoneira Co’s price is currently same. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
        Does Limoneira Co pay dividends?
        Limoneira Co pays a Quarterly dividend of €0.071 which represents an annual dividend yield of 1.17%. See more information on Limoneira Co dividends here
          What is Limoneira Co’s EPS estimate?
          Limoneira Co’s EPS estimate is -€0.07.
            How many shares outstanding does Limoneira Co have?
            Limoneira Co has 18,051,900 shares outstanding.
              What happened to Limoneira Co’s price movement after its last earnings report?
              Limoneira Co reported an EPS of €0.4 in its last earnings report, beating expectations of €0.319. Following the earnings report the stock price went same N/A.
                Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Limoneira Co?
                Among the largest hedge funds holding Limoneira Co’s share is Gamco Investors, Inc. ET AL. It holds Limoneira Co’s shares valued at 5M.

                  Limoneira Co Stock Smart Score

                  Company Description

                  Limoneira Co

                  Limoneira Co. is an agribusiness and real estate development company, which engages in the innovation of agricultural citrus industry in California. It operates through the following three divisions: Agribusiness, Rental Operations, and Real Estate Development. The Agribusiness division comprised of lemon operations and other agribusiness segments include farming, harvesting, lemon packing, and lemon sales operations. The Rental Operations division focuses on the residential and commercial rentals, leased land operations, and organic recycling. The Real Estate Development division deal in the real estate projects and development. The company was founded by Nathan W. Blanchard and Wallace L. Hardison in 1893 and is headquartered in Santa Paula, CA.

                  0JV0 Earnings Call

                  Q3 2024
                  0:00 / 0:00
                  Earnings Call Sentiment|Positive
                  The earnings call highlighted strong revenue growth, particularly in the avocado segment, and successful debt reduction and real estate ventures. However, challenges such as lower specialty citrus revenue and reduced lemon volume guidance were noted. The positive aspects significantly outweighed the negative, indicating strong financial and operational performance.Read More>

                  0JV0 Stock 12 Month Forecast

                  Average Price Target

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