Sensirion Holding AG (DE:1Q3)
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Sensirion Holding AG (1Q3) Stock Price & Analysis


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Bulls Say, Bears Say

Bulls Say
Growth OpportunitiesManagement generally left an optimistic impression given impressive growth opportunities with existing and new business areas.
Revenue IncreaseSensirion's sensors for new air conditioning coolants should alone bring over CHF30m in additional revenue in FY-25.
Sales GrowthSensirion confirmed its 10-15% organic sales growth target for the medium term, supported by current ramp-ups such as the gas leakage detection business.
Bears Say
Financial PerformanceHigher-than-anticipated special growth investments and below-average FCF levels are not yet sufficiently addressed.
Growth And InvestmentsContinuous growth investments including the additional clean room in Staefa should continue to weigh on FCF generation.
ValuationInvestors typically need to look at medium-term valuation scenarios to find sufficient upside potential, contributing to a reduced price target of CHF 68.



Options Prices

Currently, No data available

Ownership Overview

― Other Institutional Investors
94.38% Public Companies and
Individual Investors


What was Sensirion Holding AG’s price range in the past 12 months?
Currently, no data Available
What is Sensirion Holding AG’s market cap?
Currently, no data Available
When is Sensirion Holding AG’s upcoming earnings report date?
Sensirion Holding AG’s upcoming earnings report date is Mar 11, 2025 which is in 80 days.
    How were Sensirion Holding AG’s earnings last quarter?
    Sensirion Holding AG released its earnings results on Aug 21, 2024. The company reported -€2.482 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of N/A by -€2.482.
      Is Sensirion Holding AG overvalued?
      According to Wall Street analysts Sensirion Holding AG’s price is currently Undervalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
        Does Sensirion Holding AG pay dividends?
        Sensirion Holding AG does not currently pay dividends.
        What is Sensirion Holding AG’s EPS estimate?
        Sensirion Holding AG’s EPS estimate for its next earnings report is not yet available.
        How many shares outstanding does Sensirion Holding AG have?
        Sensirion Holding AG has 15,615,723 shares outstanding.
          What happened to Sensirion Holding AG’s price movement after its last earnings report?
          Sensirion Holding AG reported an EPS of -€2.482 in its last earnings report, missing expectations of N/A. Following the earnings report the stock price went same N/A.
            Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Sensirion Holding AG?
            Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in DE:1Q3

            Sensirion Holding AG Stock Smart Score

            Company Description

            Sensirion Holding AG

            Sensirion Holding AG is engaged in the manufacturing of high-quality sensors and sensor solutions for the measurement and control of humidity. Its product range includes liquid flow meters, mass flow meter for gases, carbon dioxide sensors, and others. The firm offers its services and products to various industries such as Industrial, Automotive, and Medical among others.

            1Q3 Stock 12 Month Forecast

            Average Price Target

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