Strong Return on Tangible Equity
Return on tangible equity was 12.3% in the third quarter and 11.5% year-to-date, with Barclays U.K. achieving a RoTE of 23.4% for the quarter.
Solid Profit Growth
Profit before tax was GBP 2.2 billion, up 18% from GBP 1.9 billion in Q3 '23.
Cost Efficiency Achievements
Achieved GBP 300 million of gross cost savings in Q3, with a total of GBP 700 million in the first 9 months, on track for a target of GBP 1 billion for 2024.
Investment Banking Performance
Investment Banking fee income in dollars was up 67% year-on-year, with gains across all products, particularly a strong quarter in advisory, which was up 146%.
Improved Credit Performance
Impairment charges improved in the U.S. consumer bank, with a loan loss rate of 42 basis points year-to-date, and 37 basis points in the quarter.
Positive Strategic Moves
On track to complete the acquisition of Tesco Bank, expected to provide a strategic partnership with the U.K.'s largest retailer.