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Which Websites were Most Visited in May?

Which Websites were Most Visited in May?

Website traffic results for May are in! Let’s see which websites scored the most visits, and which websites showed the highest percentage of gains or losses in visits to their sites.

Looking at the 10 most-visited websites in May, Alphabet (GOOGL) was  once again the website traffic leader, holding the top two domains, Google.com and Youtube.com. The rest of the companies include Meta (Facebook.com, instagram.com), Twitter (Twitter.com), Amazon (Amazon.com, Twitch.tv), Apple (Apple.com) and Microsoft (Bing.com, Linkedin.com).

Top 10 Most-Visited Websites in May

Rank Ticker Website Online Category % Change From April
1 GOOGL google.com Search Engines 13%
2 GOOGL youtube.com Streaming Services -41%
3 FB facebook.com Social Networks 7%
4 TWTR twitter.com Social Networks 4%
5 AMZN amazon.com E-Commerce 5%
6 FB instagram.com Social Networks 7%
7 AAPL apple.com E-Commerce -14%
8 MSFT bing.com Search Engine -26%
9 AMZN twitch.tv Streaming Services 3%
10 MSFT linkedin.com Social Network 0%

When it comes to the list of the 100 most-visited websites, Verizon.com (VZ) saw the largest website traffic growth, with 116% more visitors than in April 2022. Additionally, the South-Korean E-commerce company Coupang.com (CPNG) gained 76%, the Software company Applovin.com gained 70% (APP), and interestingly, Google’s payment center, pay.google.com (GOOGL), gained 68%.

The websites with the biggest drops in traffic were Intuit.com (INTU), losing -43%, Youtube.com (GOOGL) -41%, Bing.com (MSFT) -26%, Itunes.apple.com (APPL) -15% and Creditkarma.com -15%. Creditkarma.com also belongs to Intuit (INTU).

May’s Website Traffic Winners

Which websites showed the largest increases in visits to their websites in May? In the fifth month of 2022, interest in the Search Engines and SaaS industries has been high.

Ticker Website Online Category % Change From April
VZ verizon.com Streaming Services 116%
CPNG coupang.com E-Commerce 76%
APP applovin.com E-Commerce 70%
GOOGL pay.google.com Financial Services 68%
GOOGL google.de Search Engines 48%
YNDX yandex.om Search Engines 48%
UDMY udemy.com SaaS 33%
GOOGL maps.google.com SaaS 30%
EA ea.com Video Games 28%

May’s Website Traffic Losers

In May, interest in Streaming Services and Financial Services seems to have dropped. Out of the top 100 domains, the websites with the steepest losses in visitors are associated with those two industries. Here are the biggest “Losers”:

Ticker Website Online Category % Change From April
INTU intuit.com SaaS -43%
GOOGL youtube.com Streaming Services -41%
MSFT bing.com Search Engines -26%
AAPL itunes.apple.com Streaming Services -15%
INTU creditkarma.com Financial Services -15%
MSFT instructure.com SaaS -14%
AAPL apple.com E-Commerce -14%
CHGG chegg.com SaaS -12%
WFC wellsfargo.com Financial Services -9%

Join us next month for June’s website traffic winners and losers.