Zynex (ZYXI) announced highlights from a recent study comparing its NiCO laser pulse oximeter to conventional LED pulse oximeters for the effects of skin pigmentation on SpO2 measurements. Zynex’s NiCO pulse oximeter utilizes precise laser technology to measure blood oxygenation levels directly, as opposed to current pulse oximeter products, which only estimate oxygenation levels using an LED-based technology. LED pulse oximeters have been shown to mismeasure oxygen levels in several populations, most prominently in individuals with darker skin pigmentation. Nine darkly pigmented and nine lightly pigmented participants were recruited for this controlled desaturation study. Conclusions from the study showed the NiCO pulse oximeter did not demonstrate a bias for dark pigmented participants compared to lightly pigmented participants. By comparison, conventional LED-based pulse oximeters in the present study read falsely higher on darkly pigmented participants, specifically at lower oxygen saturation levels.