Vertical Aerospace (EVTL) has completed the second stage of piloted thrustborne testing of its full scale VX4 prototype. The company is now preparing for a new chapter, with the VX4 entering the penultimate phase of flight testing: wingborne flight. The company said, “This phase will mark a defining moment in the VX4’s development, pushing beyond the limits of the secure airspace of Cotswold Airport’s airfield and into real-world operating conditions for the first time. During Phase 2, the aircraft completed over thirty piloted test flights. Flight tests included completing successful hover and low speed flight manoeuvres, as well as executing handling and performance procedures including roll, yaw, and spot-turns. Engineers were able to collect hundreds of data points to determine the reliability of the aircraft systems, as well as thrust levels, lift efficiency, and power-to-thrust ratio and control responsiveness. These piloted prototype flights experienced no system failures and exceeded expectations for stability and performance.”