In a letter dated December 21, Federal Communications Commission member and President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to run the agency, Brendan Carr, said in a letter to Disney (DIS): “Americans no longer trust the national news media to report fully, accurately, and fairly…ABC’s own conduct has certainly contributed to this erosion in public trust…It is against this backdrop-the vast divide in trust between the national news media and local outlets-that I write you today. As a national programmer, ABC is in the midst of renegotiating the terms of many of its affiliate agreements…It appears that ABC is attempting to use something commonly called ‘reverse retrans’ fees-where the national programming network takes a percentage of the retransmission consent fees negotiated in good faith by local broadcast TV stations-to siphon more and more money away from local broadcast TV stations for, in ABC’s case it appears, the purpose of underwriting investment in ABC’s direct-to-consumer subscription streaming services…This is not how Congress envisioned the retransmission consent process working. When Congress enacted the current retransmission consent process in the 1992 Cable Act-a statutory regime that gives the FCC authority over the process-Congress sought to promote the continued viability of local broadcast TV stations by ensuring that they are compensated by cable companies for the retransmission of their broadcast signals…I want you to know that I will be monitoring the outcome of your ongoing discussions with local broadcast TV stations to ensure that those negotiations enable local broadcast TV stations to meet their federal obligations and serve the needs of their local communities.”