In a notice to the market sent to its local securities regulator, Suzano (SUZ) stated, according to a translation: “Suzano S.A., in accordance with best corporate governance practices, hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general, in response to the news reported in the media regarding the Company evaluating the acquisition of the American company Clearwater Paper (CLW) and to official letter No. 323/2024/CVM/SEP/GEA-2, issued by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission, as transcribed in Annex I of this Notice to the Market, that it is permanently analyzing market opportunities and investments aligned with its strategy. However, the Company informs that, to date, there has been no formal or informal agreement, nor the execution of any document between the Parties, binding or otherwise, nor any decision or resolution by its management bodies in relation to the potential transaction reported in the media, nor any other event or fact that the Company understands to be characterized as a material fact. The Company also informs that it carried out the relevant internal investigations and questioned its managers about the news reported in the media before providing this clarification. In addition, the Company did not identify any atypical fluctuation in the securities issued by it or referenced to them as a result of said news. The Company reiterates its commitment to keeping the market duly informed about any relevant information.”