Qualcomm (QCOM) on Tuesday announced a multi-year technology collaboration with Google (GOOGL) aimed at advancing digital transformation in automotive. Building on a long-standing relationship, the companies will leverage technologies from the Snapdragon Digital Chassis, Android Automotive OS and Google Cloud to produce a new standardized reference platform for the development of cockpit solutions using generative artificial intelligence. Underpinning the delivery of this framework will be Google AI, to create Gen AI-enabled in-car experiences like intuitive voice assistants, immersive map experiences, and real-time updates to anticipate driver needs, powered by Snapdragon heterogeneous edge AI system-on-chips and Qualcomm AI Hub. “Our technology collaboration with Google to drive innovation and develop cutting-edge, Gen AI-enabled solutions is a significant milestone in unlocking new possibilities for automakers and Tier-1 suppliers while empowering the industry to create safe and digitally advanced experiences,” said Nakul Duggal, group general manager, automotive, industrial and cloud, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. “We look forward to extending our work with Google to further advance automotive innovation and lead the go-to-market efforts leveraging our ecosystem of partners to enable a seamless development experience for our customers.”
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