Chiesi Global Rare Diseases and Protalix (PLX) announced that the European Medicines Agency, or EMA, has validated the Variation Submission for pegunigalsidase alfa to label a less frequent dosing regimen at a dose of 2 mg/kg body weight administered every four weeks in adult patients with Fabry disease. The currently approved dose of pegunigalsidase alfa is 1 mg/kg administered every two weeks. The variation application is supported by a revised Population-PK model and new exposure-response analyses and by the clinical data on pegunigalsidase alfa 2 mg/kg E4W from the completed Phase 3 study PB-102-F50 and its ongoing extension study CLI-06657AA1-03, that have investigated the 2 mg/kg every four weeks dosing regimen in adult patients with Fabry disease who were previously treated with agalsidase-alfa or -beta administered every two weeks. Results of the completed study PB-102-F50 were recently published in the Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease.