ORIC-944 is a potent and selective allosteric inhibitor of the polycomb repressive complex 2 via allosteric targeting of the embryonic ectoderm development subunit. ORIC-944 was initially evaluated as a single agent in a Phase 1b trial in patients with advanced prostate cancer and demonstrated potential best-in-class drug properties, including a clinical half-life of approximately 20 hours, robust target engagement, and a favorable safety profile. In mid-2024, the Company initiated once daily dosing of ORIC-944 in combination with 240 mg QD apalutamide or with 600 mg BID darolutamide, as part of the ongoing Phase 1b trial in patients with metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer. As of the December 10, 2024 data cut-off, the Company completed the first two ORIC-944 dose escalation cohorts for the apalutamide combination. This initial experience demonstrated: Deep prostate-specific antigen decreases across both the 600 mg and 800 mg dose cohorts; 3 of 6 patients achieved confirmed PSA50 responses, of which 2 achieved confirmed PSA90 responses. All the PSA responses were maintained at greater than or equal to12 weeks, including a durable confirmed PSA90 response ongoing at 38 weeks. Well-tolerated safety, with primarily Grade 1 and Grade 2 treatment related adverse events, consistent with PRC2 and androgen receptor inhibition, and one Grade 3 TRAE of fatigue. The first two dose levels cleared without dose limiting toxicities or treatment discontinuations related to safety. Dose escalation is ongoing. Dose escalation for the combination of ORIC-944 with darolutamide is also ongoing with the first dose cohort completed and the second enrolling. Preliminary clinical activity seen to date is consistent with the apalutamide combination cohort.