Kolibri Global Energy (KGEI) provided an update on its latest wells in its Tishomingo field in Oklahoma.The Alicia Renee 2-11-3H3H, Alicia Renee, 2-11-4H and Alicia Renee 2-11-5H wells were all successfully drilled and completed in the Caney Formation and are currently flowing back the fracture stimulation fluid. Over the last five days, the Alicia 3H well has averaged 1,049 BOEPD – 720 barrels of oil per day -, the Alicia 4H well has averaged 845 BOEPD and the Alicia 5H well has averaged 630 BOEPD. Even with the wells still cleaning up, current production is about 1,155 BOEPD, 950 BOEPD, and 715 BOEPD, for the Alicia 3H, Alicia 4H and Alicia 5H, respectively. Kolibri owns a 100% working interest in the wells, which were drilled at a 6-well per section spacing pattern.