Cosmos Health (COSM) has secured buy-out rights and exclusive licensing for two patented anticancer drugs targeting, among others, prostate, ovarian, and colorectal cancers. Both of these innovative anticancer therapies, developed through cutting-edge oncology research, are protected by international patents and set to commence Clinical Phase I trials. The first therapy is safeguarded by a WIPO patent and is valid in key markets including the EU, USA, Canada, Japan, China, and Australia. The second therapy is covered by an EU patent and has been internationally filed under WO 2018/011414 A1, with a focus on major markets such as the USA, Canada, Japan, China, and Australia. Cosmos Health will oversee further development and commercialization of the two drugs. Cosmos Health engaged a leading global audit and advisory firm to assess the fair value of the patents, in accordance with international accounting standards. Based on the current EUR-USD exchange rate, the fair value in USD is approximately $24.61M with a range of $22.80M to $26.55M. This valuation is based on the current pre-clinical phase, and any advancements toward commercialization are expected to significantly positively impact future valuations.The Company has the option to buy out the patents for a fixed price of approximately $7.81M at any time it deems appropriate or to license the distribution rights to third parties at its discretion.