BriaCell (BCTX) Therapeutics highlights the infiltration of cancer fighting immune cells into tumors, using leading CD8 ImmunoPET imaging technology, in its poster presentation at the 2024 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium at Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, San Antonio, TX. Today’s poster shows influx of cancer fighting immune cells into tumors and lymphatic tissue leading to cancer cell destruction following treatment with the Bria-IMT plus CPI regimen. BriaCell employed this advanced imaging technology as a precision diagnostic tool to monitor patients’ immune system responses in its phase 2 study, establishing the ability of the Bria-IMT regimen to induce tumor infiltration with CD8+ “killer” T cells. These results suggest a potential value of CD8 ImmunoPET in identifying pseudo progression in patients with clinical benefit vs tumor progression. CD8+ T cell infiltration also correlated with a marked reduction in tumor markers, indicating clinical benefit, in some patients. Title: Bria-IMT CD8+ tumor infiltrating lymphocytes turn “Cold” tumor “Hot” in metastatic breast cancer: CD8 ImmunoPET imaging, an imaging analysis technology, is used to mark CD8+ T-cells that are important components of the immune system and key to cancer cell detection and destruction. Bria-IMT plus CPI produced cancer-fighting CD8+ T cells infiltration into metastatic tumors and lymphoid tissue, leading to cancer destruction – turning “Cold” tumors and lymph nodes “Hot” on ImmunoPET imaging Using metastatic site-specific CD8+ PET imaging technology, BriaCell reports the following in 6 patients treated with Bria-IMT plus CPI after 9 cycles of treatment: Treatment generally well tolerated; Reduction in tumor markers in 2 patients who had cold tumors turn hot; 3 out of the 6 patients showed a decrease in neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio at cycle 2 when compared to baseline values suggesting immune system activation of the patients; Evidence of “cold” tumors and lymph nodes becoming “hot” suggesting immune system activation in the patients; Immune system activation results in increased migration of cancer-fighting CD8+ T-cells into MBC tumors and lymphatic tissue, leading to destruction of cancer cells; Immune response following peripheral non-lesional Bria-IMT therapy suggests systemic activation of the immune system; Clinical and CD8+ T cell response support the clinical benefit of the Bria-IMT plus CPI regimen in cancer patients. In summary, advanced ImmunoPET imaging technology correlates with clinical benefit with the Bria-IMT combination regimen in metastatic breast cancer and suggests possible use in identifying immunotherapy responsive tumors. These findings support the continued use of the Bria-IMT combination regimen in BriaCell’s ongoing pivotal Phase 3 study in MBC.