In a report released today, James Wheatcroft from Jefferies maintained a Buy rating on J D Wetherspoon (JDW – Research Report), with a price target of p825.00.
James Wheatcroft has given his Buy rating due to a combination of factors that suggest J D Wetherspoon is well-positioned despite current challenges. The company’s current like-for-like sales are consistent with previous performance, and while profitability has lagged behind expectations, the outlook for the year remains reasonable. Wheatcroft notes that the company is better positioned to handle industry-wide wage increases due to its competitive pricing strategy.
Additionally, despite concerns about the UK consumer market following recent budget changes, J D Wetherspoon’s valuation appears attractive. The company’s shares are trading at a relatively low EV/EBITDA multiple, suggesting that the market has already priced in significant downside risks. This undemanding valuation, coupled with the company’s strategic advantages, supports the Buy rating.