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TipRanks’ Technical Indicators for Brokers Make Stock Analysis a Snap

TipRanks’ Technical Indicators for Brokers Make Stock Analysis a Snap

TipRanks’ technical indicators for brokers give your clients a streamlined and user-friendly way to access technical analysis information. We simplify the process of navigating the stock market with our easy-to-understand visual representation of technical indicators. Our technical analysis tool empowers your investors to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the curve in the stock market. 

TipRanks displays technical analysis for every one of the assets on our website. We interpret the various numbers on the indicators as sentiment (either Bearish, Neutral or Bullish). Then, we combine the sentiments into easy-to-read graphical displays to show whether they imply a Strong Sell, a Strong Buy, or any action in between.

We provide the data according to nine different time frames, ranging from one minute to one month, so that both short-term traders and longer-term traders can find the relevant data and sentiment, according to their preferences.  

TipRanks’ Technical Indicators Summary Signals 

TipRanks has taken the various technical indicators and aggregated them into three easy-to-read summary signals to provide a comprehensive overview of the stock’s technical health. Our summary signals are calculated using the weighted average of multiple technical indicators.  

The first signal summarizes the Moving Averages from MA5 up to MA200, and provides an aggregated signal ranging from Strong Sell to Strong Buy, based on the trend indicated by these averages. This signal is especially useful in determining the overall trend of the stock, as Moving Averages provide a smooth representation of the stock’s price action over a given time period.  

The second signal aggregates all the technical indicators, such as RSI, MACD, and CCI, into a single signal that gives users a quick understanding of the stock’s overall technical strength. These technical indicators measure various aspects of market behavior and help traders and investors identify potential trading opportunities. 

The third signal brings together the Moving Averages and the Technical Indicators into a single, summarized signal. This unique calculation, created by TipRanks, takes into account the different signals and creates a comprehensive overview of the stock’s technical outlook. 

With these three signals, TipRanks users can quickly and easily assess a stock’s technical health and make informed investment decisions, without having to analyze individual indicators and perform complex calculations themselves. Furthermore, TipRanks provides these summary signals for a variety of time frames, ranging from 1 minute to 1 month, and each time period receives its own unique signal, giving users the flexibility to view the technical analysis in a time frame that suits their investment strategy.

Our Technical Analysis tools provide an option for every investor, no matter which time frame they want to use for their investment strategy.  

Data for Your Clients’ Technical Analysis 

Our technical analysis charts show moving averages at six different time periods, with both a simple number and an exponentially smoothed number. What’s more, we tell you whether each statistics implies a Buy, Sell or neutral.  This simple arrangement saves the investor from having to look at squiggly lines all over a chart, and trying to figure out the crossover of price and moving average. Investors don’t have to measure where the lines intersect with pricing. Instead, our clear charts make it easy for investors to place their orders around the points they want.  

We include data about Moving Averages, Pivot Points, and various technical indicators such as RSI (14), STOCH (9,6), MACD (12,26), CCI (14), and Williams %R. All are commonly used tools in technical analysis. 

The technical indicators are mathematical calculations that help traders and investors analyze market conditions and make predictions about future price movements. For example, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) measures whether a security is overbought or oversold, while the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator helps identify changes in momentum.

By providing these tools, the Technical Analysis tab on TipRanks will empower your investors to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the curve in the stock market.