Get a Full Portfolio Analysis with TipRanks Smart Portfolio
TipRanks Labs

Get a Full Portfolio Analysis with TipRanks Smart Portfolio

How can you easily assess your investment portfolio? With TipRanks Smart Portfolio, not only do you get a full analysis of your portfolio, presented in a simplified and visualized way, you can also see how it compares with that of other individual investors, including the top performers.

The Portfolio Analysis section of the Smart Portfolio enables you to easily monitor your asset allocation, portfolio activity, volatility, and dividends.

In this third part of our series on how to use the Smart Portfolio to easily manage your investments, we’re taking a deep dive into the Portfolio Analysis section. Here’s how it works.

Portfolio Analysis

Portfolio Analysis gives you a quick and easy analysis of any of your portfolios or a summary of all of your portfolios. You can either enter your holdings manually to the Smart Portfolio or sync with your trading platform at the top of the section.

Asset Allocation

At a glance, you can see your overall asset allocation between stocks, ETFs, funds, and cash. In this example over 99% of the portfolio is allocated to stocks.

Stock Distribution By Sector

Next, you can see your stock distribution by sector, including an overview of your major holdings in each sector. You can see for example that 57.11% of this portfolio is invested in Consumer Goods. You also see which stocks make up the majority of the holdings in this sector. Click on the other sectors to see their major holdings.

Portfolio Volatility

How volatile is your portfolio and how does it compare to other TipRanks investors? You can see your portfolio beta and how it compares to the average TipRanks portfolio. Click on ‘My most volatile stocks’ to reveal the stocks you own with the highest beta.

Portfolio Dividends

See your estimated portfolio dividend yield and amount in one place. Click on “See Dividends” to uncover your top dividend holdings and upcoming dividends.

Stock Warnings

Are there any stocks in your portfolio that you should be concerned about? This feature means you don’t have to search through your portfolio for warning signs. You can immediately see any stocks that have substantially decreased in price over the last week, or have a new analyst sell rating.

Portfolio P/E

View your portfolio’s price-to-earnings ratio and see how it compares to the average TipRanks Portfolio.

Compare Your Portfolio with Other Individual Investors

Each section that appears in your Portfolio Analysis can also be found in the Crowd Insights section of Smart Portfolio, enabling you to easily compare your asset allocation, portfolio activity, volatility, dividends as well as major holdings to other TipRanks investors, including the top performers.

How to Find Smart Portfolio Analysis

You can reach the Portfolio Analysis section of Smart Portfolio from the menu at the top of TipRanks, or on the Smart Portfolio menu on the left of the screen when you are in the tool. You can see both here.

Now, Give it a Try

The Portfolio Analysis section of Smart Portfolio provides you with a clear overview of the important aspects of your portfolio in one place. If you haven’t already done so, it is easy to open a Smart Portfolio, read how here.

Get a Smart Portfolio Analysis>>

Read more in the Smart Portfolio series:

Part 1: Optimize Your Investments with the TipRanks Smart Portfolio
Part 2: See How Top Wall Street Analysts Rate Your Holdings with the TipRanks Smart Portfolio

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