BNB Chain Activates Haber Hard Fork
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BNB Chain Activates Haber Hard Fork

Story Highlights

BNB has activated its Haber hard fork and the critical BEP-126 update.

BNB Chain (BNB-USD) has been making headlines with its recent groundbreaking updates. The introduction of the Haber hard fork and the BEP-126 update are huge milestones that promise to enhance the network’s performance, security, and efficiency. Here’s a closer look at these exciting developments.

Haber Hard Fork

On June 20, BNB Chain activated the Haber hard fork, which brought the BNB Evolution Proposal (BEP)-336 into effect. This update is designed to optimize data storage and processing on the network. Inspired by Ethereum’s EIP-4844, BEP-336 introduces blob-carrying transactions. These transactions make the verification process more efficient by allowing transactions to be verified within an attached blob—a temporary memory segment that captures large data chunks.

The impact of this update is substantial. According to BNB Chain, BEP-336 will reduce layer-2 costs on the BNB Smart Chain (BSC) by 90%, lowering network fees to approximately $0.0001. This makes the network more cost-effective and efficient, particularly for decentralized applications (DApps) and layer-2 networks.

Fast Finality: Enhancing Security

Another critical update is BEP-126, which introduces Fast Finality. This update enhances the security and transaction reliability within the BNB Chain ecosystem by making transactions irreversible once confirmed. Fast Finality eliminates block reorganizations, thereby providing strong protection against double-spend and MEV reorg attacks.

With Fast Finality, the BNB Chain ensures that all transactions are final upon confirmation, which is crucial for the secure operation of exchanges and DeFi protocols. This update significantly fortifies the network’s security framework, making it a more reliable platform for users and developers alike.

Market Implications

These updates come at a time when BNB’s native token has shown impressive performance. Following the activation of the Haber hard fork, BNB saw significant price movements, highlighting the positive market reception to these technological advancements. The network’s ability to reduce transaction costs and enhance security positions it as a leading platform in the blockchain space.

We can see below on the TipRanks BNB-USD chart that BNB has rallied by 16.88% over the past three months.

Key Takeaway

BNB Chain’s recent updates with the Haber hard fork and Fast Finality reflect its commitment to innovation and security. By reducing transaction costs and enhancing the security of the network, BNB Chain is setting new standards in the blockchain industry. These developments not only improve the technical capabilities of the network but also boost its appeal to developers, investors, and users. As BNB Chain continues to evolve, it stands out as a dynamic platform that is shaping the future of decentralized technology.


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