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Amazon Prime Video is January’s Biggest Website Traffic Gainer

Amazon Prime Video is January’s Biggest Website Traffic Gainer

Website traffic results for January are in! Let’s see which websites scored the most visits, and which websites showed the greatest percentage of gains or losses in visits to their sites.

Looking at the 10 most visited websites in January, Alphabet (GOOGL) was  once again the website traffic leader, holding the top two domains, Google.com and Youtube.com. Microsoft (MSFT) has added another domain to the top 10, with microsoftonline.com at number 10, replacing Ebay (EBAY), which dropped two places, to number 11. 

When it comes to the list of the 100 most-visited websites, Primevideo.com (AMZN)  saw the largest and most significant growth, with 131% more visitors than in December 21. Inuit.com (INTU) and HBOMax.com (T) also saw significant growth, at 40% and 37% respectively. The websites with the biggest drop in traffic were Kohls.com (KSS) and Macys.com (M), which lost 59% and 50%, respectively.

January Winners

Which websites showed the largest increases in visits to their websites in January? At the start of 2022, interest has been high in the SaaS and Streaming Services industries. Indeed, out of the top 100 domains, the biggest  “Winners” stemmed mostly from those two industries, as indicated in the chart below:

Ticker Website Category Change
AMZN primevideo.com Streaming Services 131%
INTU intuit.com SaaS 41%
T hbomax.com Streaming Services 37%
ZM zoom.us SaaS 23%
TEAM atlassian.net SaaS 17%
INST instructure.com SaaS 17%
UDMY udemy.com SaaS 15%
UPWK upwork.com SaaS 15%

January Losers 

In January, interest in E-Commerce and Fashion seems to have dropped, post-holidays. Out of the top 100 domains, the websites with the steepest losses in visitors are associated with those two industries. Here are the biggest “Losers”:

Ticker Website Category Change
KSS kohls.com E-Commerce -59%
M macys.com Fashion -50%
TGT target.com E-Commerce -35%
UPS ups.com E-Commerce -31%
BBY bestbuy.com E-Commerce -30%
OZON ozon.ru E-Commerce -29%
TMUS t-mobile.com E-Commerce -28%
COST costco.com E-Commerce -28%

Notable Rank Changes

We also checked out which websites saw the biggest change in ranking, in terms of amount of website traffic. The biggest change was from the British online gambling website intercasino.com (GB:GYS), which went up 107 places. Other notable websites that rose in ranking were the following: 

Hakuna.live (MTCH), up 96 places

Discoveryplus.com (DISCA), up 52 place

Monday.com (MNDY), up 52 places

Ringcentral.com (RNG), up 50 places

Huya.com (HUYA), up 49 places

Join us next month for February’s website traffic winners and losers.