3 Penny Stocks to Watch Now, 6/25/24
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3 Penny Stocks to Watch Now, 6/25/24

American Rebel Holdings, Minim Inc., and Nexalin Technology are the 3 Penny Stocks to watch on June 25, based on TipRanks’ Penny Stock Screener tool. Penny stocks are defined as stocks that trade at or below $5 per share and have a market capitalization of below $300 million.

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The Penny Stock Screener helps investors scan stocks based on numerous parameters, including Sector, Price Target Upside, Smart Score, Analyst Consensus, Dollar Volume, and Price Change.

We leveraged the tool to pick the top three penny stocks that had the highest Dollar Volume as of the close on June 24, 2024. Simply put, Dollar Volume is the number of shares traded on a particular day multiplied by the day’s share price. We can also look at the Relative Volume and Average Volume (last 3 months) to gauge how the trading volumes have been very high (showing high interest) compared to the average.

American Rebel Holdings (NASDAQ:AREB) – American Rebel offers products that ensure safe and responsible gun ownership. In addition to self-defense products, the company also offers concealed carry backpacks, branded apparel, E-bikes, and safe accessories.

On June 24, AREB had a Dollar Volume of $282.51 million, while its stock price plummeted 31.2%. The stock’s downturn followed the spike witnessed on Friday. On June 21, AREB announced a distribution deal for its recently launched American Rebel Beer with Dichello Distributors for the state of Connecticut. AREB shares skyrocketed over 152% on the news.

Minim, Inc. (NASDAQ:MINM) – Minim is an American networking company that designs intelligent software and develops powerful hardware for internet security. The company owns the exclusive global rights to manufacture and sell consumer networking products under the Motorola brand.

On June 24, MINM shares had a Dollar Volume of $147.33 million, while the stock price jumped over 14%. However, MINM shares were trending down in pre-market trading at the time of writing. There is no significant news explaining the unusual volume trading in Minim stock.

Nexalin Technology Inc. (NASDAQ:NXL) – Nexalin Technology designs and develops a medical neuro-stimulator device that is easy to administer and non-invasive. The device uses a proprietary waveform that restores the natural rhythms to the brain, reducing the symptoms of mental illnesses such as anxiety and insomnia.

NXL had a Dollar Volume of $94.43 million on June 24, accompanied by a stock price gain of nearly 41%. NXL shares have been on an upswing since June 20, when the company announced that it was awarded a patent for its non-invasive Deep Intracranial Frequency Stimulation medical device for the treatment of Alzheimer’s and other dementia-related brain diseases. In the past five days, NXL shares have gained over 155%.

To find more penny stocks like these, you can take a look at TipRanks’ Penny Stock Screener tool. It shows a list of all penny stocks, their price movement, and other vital data.


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