
Jill May Insider Profile

Jill May, Director at Standard Life Investments Property Income, holds 0.00 shares in Standard Life Investments Property Income (Ticker: GB:API), holds 12.31K shares in Alpha Financial Markets Consulting PLC (Ticker: GB:AFM). Most recently, Jill May Sold ― shares of Standard Life Investments Property Income on Oct 14, 2024 for an estimated value of 78.44K.
Jill  May

Jill May
Standard Life Investments Property Income (API)

Ranked #19,678 out of 100,516 Corporate Insiders

Profitable Transactions

3 out of 4 Profitable Transactions

Average Return

Average return per transaction
Time Frame
1 Year
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No Benchmark

Insider Holdings

Jill May does not currently own shares as a corporate insider.
A breakdown of Jill May's holdings

Insider Roles

Standard Life Investments Property Income
Roles that Jill May holds in companies

Most Profitable Insider Trade

Standard Life Investments Property Income
Rating:Informative Buy
Date:Aug 12, 2020 - Aug 12, 2021
The most profitable trade made by Jill May

Jill May's Trading History

Company Name
Last Transaction Date
Insider Position
Last Transaction
Last Transaction Amount
Holding Value
Standard Life Investments Property Income
Oct 14, 2024
Informative Sell
Alpha Financial Markets Consulting PLC
May 21, 2021
Informative Buy
List of latest transactions for each holding click on a transaction to see Jill May's performance on stock

Jill May insider profile FAQ

What is the percentage of profitable transactions made by Jill May?
The percentage of profitable transactions made by Jill May is 75%.
    What is the average return per transaction made by Jill May?
    The average return per transaction made by Jill May is 22.20%.
      What stocks does Jill May hold?
      Jill May holds: GB:API, GB:AFM stocks.
        What was Jill May’s latest transaction?
        Jill May latest transaction was an Informative Sell of 78.44K.
          What was Jill May's most profitable transaction?
          Jill May’s most profitable transaction was an Informative Buy of GB:API stock on August 12, 2020. The return on the trade was 47.30%.
            What is Jill May's role in Standard Life Investments Property Income?
            Jill May's role in Standard Life Investments Property Income is Director.
              How can I follow the stock ratings of top corporate insiders?
              Head over to our Expert Center to see a list of the Top 100 corporate insiders and follow the corporate insiders of your choice. Visit their profiles for more details about their stock transactions and see how they perform on a stock-by-stock basis.